The Magic Tree

The Magic Tree

Every painting has a story. Sometimes the painting is painted with the story in mind; other times the story evolves as I’m painting…

When I was little I got lost in Stanley Park. (Stanley Park is a 400 hectare public park in Vancouver where I grew up). It has giant, rainforest trees, and is surrounded by the ocean and beautiful beaches. Most kids growing up in Vancouver have memories of the park…

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What colour is your February?

What colour is your February?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve associated letters, numbers and words with colours. For example, the letter “A” is red (and so is the name Anne). Sometimes the word is coloured by the first letter, but not always. For example “F” is a dark green, but February is a light blue. I thought this was “normal” and that everyone’s words were colours. Until I was a little older and began asking others what colours their letters or words were…

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